March was true to that old saying and came in like a lion with wind gusts of 20-30 mph and short squalls of driving rain. The wind also blew in more winter weather as the temp is once again falling into the 30s. Ahhhhhh! Sewing weather!!
Here are three lovely post cards received from swaps in my landscrape goups. Thanks, Mary T, Miriam G, and Linda. We are having a lot of fun learning about perspective and how the use various fabrics to represent parts of the landscape.
I'm ready to start a wall hanging in Shirley's Learningfa group. It will be fabrics enhanced with thread painting to create a forest scene. Should be very interesting.
I'm involved in an Under the Sea rr in my CQI group. This is the block I hope to change into an underwater wonderland. So, I guess I had better log off and start collecting fishy things to work onto this block. Hope I can do your pretty block justice, Lauri!
Happy stitching until next time. Pegsue
I am sure you will do a great job! Don't worry. You don't have to go all fishy, you could do beach too or maybe a sunset over the water or....
I am not particular just have fun!!
H Pegsue
I love the cards. I am enjoying you site.
Delia in Australia
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