Sunday, July 31, 2011

What a lovely summer

It has been a pleasant summer so far. Hummingbirds dartting in and out of the bottlebrush tree, the birdbath filled with bluebirds, a visit from a red-headed woodpecker and its larger cousin - a pilated woodpecker, and the birth last Saturday of the fourth new calf. The afternoon rains have come with only three severe thunderstorms with Florida's imfamous ligthning. Most importantly all the tropical depressions and storms have been out in the ocean away from shore. If that will just continue on for the next to months of hurricane season things will really be wonderful!

I have kept busy stitching. I had helped Sis make an animal print quilt for her bed. She had several strips left over so I made her a small bag. I trapuntoed a leopard head and used it to make a covered button to close the bag.

Three of my Round Robins are ending and I have three more about to start. I just finished with A Luscious Lace RR block for Arlene.My block completed the RR for her. I'm looking forward to getting my completed blocks soon. Here is the block I did for Arlene:

Sis is out doing errands and I'm keeping watch over my brother-in-law. He is much better, but still needs an occasional helping hand, so I had better see to him.  Until next time-happy stitching,

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