The robins flew in on their journey north about 2 weeks ago. Since then things are turning green and the spring blooms have arrived .
This is my favorite azalea bush.
These are clumped to the side in our “wilderness” area.
It’s not just the outside that is filled with blossom! My indoor plants are putting on a pretty display as well.
My first orchid blossom to unfurl,
and one of my many African violets that are in bloom.
Many of my CQI Round Robins are finishing up now. I just received my blocks from the Sew It Up DYOB. The ladies did a beautiful job as always.
This block was done by Carol.
This one is by Cathy L.
This block was worked on by all members.
Ruby R stitched this block.
These blocks will make a lovely wallhanging for my sewing room.
The only active RR I have now is the Asian Nights DYOB. I have completed 2 blocks and am working on the third.
This block is Meg’s. When I saw the multicolored patch it made me think of peacocks, so I decided that a stylized bird would be just the thing. To make the peacock the focal point I kept the rest of the block simple, adding two folded flowers with gold button centers, and two yo-yos, all done in a lovely Asian print.
Carol had a lovely block with these cute pandas. I chose to over-embroider the bears and bamboo. I added a willow tree to frame them. Asian isn’t complete without fans and dragons, so I added 3 beaded fans as a seam treatment and placed a dragon charm on another patch. An oriental coin, a line of flower beads and bead accented embroidery complete the work.
Now I’m off to do lesson 2 in the soft-sculpture class that I am taking. One can never learn too many sewing techniques!!!!
Till next time, have a blessed life.
Hope everyone’s New Year has gotten off to a good start. My sis and I are fine, but we are still contending with my brother-in-law’s illness. He has fallen twice already this year. We welcome your prayers for him.
My CQI All About Angels DYOB has come to an end and my blocks have returned home. The ladies did their usual beautiful job of stitching. I thought you might like to see the lovely blocks I will be making into a mantel scarf for my daughter when I finish my block.
This block was done by Cathy. Her yarn angel reminds me of my younger days when these were all the rage.
This block, done by Joyce, is bright and shiny with lots of bling.
Laurie makes this one seem quite heavenly with all the glittery stars.
Ruby added more angels and music to go with the trumpet charm framed by lovely silk ribbon roses.
Wendy used embroidery and silk ribbon flowers to pretty up for block with sequins and beads for sparkle.
I really enjoyed seeing the different fabrics and color combinations which these gals used in their blocks. It was a pleasure working on their blocks.
Cathy choose to use a cherub silkie as her focal point. I choose to continue with the pink and red color scheme-adding a white lace lattice with pink gathered roses, a single rose bud and a crocheted roses. The wording just seemed the right thing to grace the lower block.
I framed Laurie’s darling angel with lace and ribbon, then used an open cretan stitch with sequins and beads as a seam treatment. Embroidered daffodils finish off the corners.
I stitched the word Angels with a wrapped backstitch for Wendy. Sequin and bead stars, ric-rac, lace and silk ribbon form seam trearments. I added an angel made of beads with silver foil leaves as wings.
Joyce’s block featured this charming cross-stitched angel, so I just added a variety of embroidery stitches , lace, sequins and beads, and a large colorful felt flower.
I have Ruby’s block yet to finish. Will post pics later to end a fun round robin. Til later, have a blessed day.
Two days without seeing the sun! A rare occurrence in my part of Florida. But I can tolerate it because the rain is really welcome in the drought-ridden counties. Tomorrow the rain chances drop to 30%, so there should be some lovely sunshine.
I have the best sis in the world! She gifted me with two beautiful orchids for my birthday last week. Now I have to find somewhere to put another shelf! My orchids and African violets are taking over my sewing room.
Speaking of sewing, my blocks from the Luscious Lace RR are home. The ladies who stitched on them did a lovely job as usual.
I have begun two new RRs. The All About Birds block I worked on belongs to Paula. I added a folded fabric flower being investigated by an Anna’s hummingbird. The bird was embroidered on felt, cut out and appliqued to the background to add dimension.
My second new RR is themed Winter Scenes. I used the same felt embroidery technique to add a cardinal on a pine bough to Colleen’s block, A snowflake of beads, and some snowflake sequins add to the winter chill. A small child sledding , a snowman button and a porcelain head in hat and scarf finish out the motifs.
In my personal sewing I took a 6 inch block from an under-the-sea RR and used it as a pocket on a tote for Sis. She thinks you can never have too many shoes or bags.
There has been a hint of chill in the evening breeze, so I will get on with my next project—altering sweatshirts into jackets. I hope everyone has a blessed day. Till next time, hugs and stitches.
Has been a while since my last post. Part of the reason for that is I have a new baby. He is named Jack and is 4 1/2 months old. He is a Schnauzer, French bulldog mix. I have been busy with “potty training”, sit-stay command and to walk on a leash. The potty business he has down very well, except when mama waits to long to take him outside. Got to work on getting him to alert me. As it’s been several years since my last Schnauzer I am having to do some training reviewing. He is a sweet natured fellow and it has been fun but tiring to teach him to be a gentleman.
He”s a goofy looking bundle of energy and love.
Here it is home safe and completed. This is my block for the CQI Tea Time traditional round robin. It has been beautifully enhanced by the work of Carol, Darlene, Laurie and Lorrie. I want to make a wallhanging using the six small blocks from the dyob round robin. Well, a pair of liquid brown eyes are staring up at me,which means a trip outside. Until next time,
Hugs and stitches,